Ohio state capital outside view

Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance on Issue 1

The Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance endorses Issue 1, a ballot initiative that mandates a 60% vote requirement for petition-based statewide constitutional amendments, gaining support from U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance, Gov. Mike DeWine, and Secretary of State Frank LaRose, yet facing opposition from environmental and left-leaning advocacy groups.

Rep Brian Stewart and Secretary of State Frank LaRose discuss the Constitution Protection Amendment proposal

Ohio State Rep. Brian Stewart’s constitution amendment measure

Stewart’s Constitution Protection Amendment would protect Ohio from out-of-state special interests In November 2022, Ohio State Rep. Brian Stewart (R-Ashville) introduced a measure called the Ohio Constitution Protection Amendment. His bill would raise the threshold for passage of initiative petitions for proposed amendments to the Ohio constitution. This would be a bump up from the current 50% to 60%. The proposal aims to enhance the protection of the Ohio constitution. It draws inspiration from other Read more…