Protecting Ohio’s outdoor heritage: Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance endorses initiative to safeguard constitution from radical influence.

A prominent hunting group endorsed an upcoming ballot initiative that tightens requirement for certain petition-based constitutional amendments, gaining support from state leaders.

The Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance has endorsed Issue 1, a ballot initiative that would require petition-based statewide constitutional amendments to pass with 60% of the vote.

U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance, Gov. Mike DeWine, and Secretary of State Frank LaRose all support this initiative, but opposed by environmental and left-leaning advocacy groups.

“In modern America, anti-hunters have billions of dollars at their disposal, so what Issue 1 is really about is protecting the Ohio Constitution against radical out-of-staters and their extremist ideologies. They want to come to Ohio, buy ballot victories and stuff their ideology down your throat. We must stop them.”

Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance (Buckeye Reporter 7/9/23)

Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance on Issue 1 – an explanation

What happened?

The Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance endorsed a ballot initiative which aims to make it harder to change the state constitution. 

What would Issue 1 do?

The initiative would require petition-based statewide constitutional amendments to pass with 60 percent of the vote. 

Currently, 15 U.S. states allow for statewide initiatives to change their constitutions. 

Who supports the Sportsmen’s Alliance?

The Sportsmen’s Alliance is supported by U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance, Gov. Mike DeWine, and Secretary of State Frank LaRose. 

Who opposes Issue 1?

Issue 1 is opposed by environmental groups and various left-leaning advocacy groups.


“OH Sportsmen’s Alliance: Issue 1 is about ‘protecting the Ohio Constitution against radical out-of-staters and their extremist ideologies'”. Buckeye Reporter. July 9, 2023.