Our mission is to help pass the measure called the Ohio Constitution Protection Amendment.

Activist and special interests outside of the state have poured millions into ballot initiatives seeking to amend the state constitution.

This important measure would seek to reduce their influence.

If the Ohio Constitution Protection Amendment is passed into law, a supermajority vote would required to pass any ballot initiative that amends the state constitution.

Requiring a broad consensus majority promotes compromise.

We looked to the U.S. Constitution for inspiration. A supermajority vote is required for federal constitutional amendments.


Opposition to Ohio Issue 1 – how it’s financed

The primary opposition group One Person One Vote received 84% of its funding from out-of-state, including $4 million from California, while advocating against Issue 1, a proposed constitutional amendment to enhance Ohio's constitution and limit outside group influence.

Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance on Issue 1

The Ohio Sportsmen's Alliance endorses Issue 1, a ballot initiative that mandates a 60% vote requirement for petition-based statewide constitutional amendments, gaining support from U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance, Gov. Mike DeWine, and Secretary of State Frank LaRose, yet facing opposition from environmental and left-leaning advocacy groups.

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