How the amendment protects your rights
Today, we want to discuss the Ohio Constitution Protection Amendment, an important measure that will protect the integrity of our Ohio state constitution.
By passing this into law, we’ll make sure petition-based amendments get the support and scrutiny they deserve.
Let’s take a look at why this amendment is essential for the future of Ohio.
The need for a higher vote threshold
The relative ease of passage of important changes to the state constitution
The Ohio Constitution Protection Amendment is not about slowing down change; it is about safeguarding the democratic process and protecting the long-term interests of our state.
It promotes responsible decision-making while preserving the ability of Ohio voters to petition for amendments.
Our constitution is the cornerstone of our state’s governance, and it deserves our utmost respect and protection.
Why this is important
The Ohio Constitution Protection Amendment is a vital step towards ensuring that only the most significant and well-supported changes make their way into our constitution.
We believe that by raising the voting threshold to 60%, we are creating a stronger and more resilient future for Ohio.
Together, let’s protect our constitution and secure a better tomorrow for all Ohioans.