See major news coverage of the Ohio Constitution Protection Amendment.

August (upcoming)

  • Election Day for this ballot initiative is August 8. Remember to vote!


  • California musician John Legend heads to liberal rally in Cincinnati to campaign against the amendment. (July 16)
  • The Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance endorses the ballot initiative. (July 9)


  • U.S. Senator J.D. Vance appears in a digital video asking for voters to support the amendment. See video here. (June 29)
  • Ohio’s state treasurer, Robert Sprague, comes out in support of the amendment. His reason? Because passage of the amendment “will help us avoid turning Ohio’s Constitution into a policy document vulnerable to the whims of out-of-state interest groups with big pockets.” (June 9)
  • The Attorney General of Ohio rejects the summary of the amendment written by its proponents. (June 4)


  • The Ohio House of Representatives passes House Resolution 1, which will put the issue on the ballot in August. (May 11)
  • Ohio State Rep. Gary Click gets approached by a man asking for signatures for a constitutional amendment that would allow no-limit abortion. Not knowing Click is a legislator, the man reveals he is a paid political activist from Michigan – being paid by Planned Parenthood. (May 11)
  • The Ohio chapter of the AFL-CIO mega-union publicly thanks Rep. Jay Edwards for being “on the side of” the union. Which means being opposed to the Constitution Protection amendment. (May 9)
  • The Republican Party of Ohio announces they’ve officially endorsed the amendment. (May 6)
  • The PAC publicly urges Ohio’s House Speaker, Jason Stephens, to bring the measure to a House floor vote. (May 1)


  • In the legislature, the Constitutional Resolutions Committee begins holding hearings on the amendment. (April 21)
  • A new group – Save Our Constitution PAC – is formed. The PAC will work to support passage of the amendment. (April 18)